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School News and Announcements


Assistant Principal Jaimie Fisco
Lauren Santiago


Dear KT Murphy Community, September 20, 2024

KT Murphy school continues to be full of vibrance and students learning.  I sent out a message this morning related to general school threats made in Stamford.  I just want to reinforce that these threats were investigated and found not credible.  Any threat received is taken seriously and fully investigated.  Should you come across anything concerning or any threats, you may reach out to me, the principal or the Stamford Police Department to report so we are able to fully investigate.  KT Murphy continues to have our security guard, Lovell Swan, and we take a daily approach to maintaining safety and security for all.  

Open School Night

This Thursday, September 26 is the KT Murphy Open School Night.  The flier is attached here.  The PTO will be available and spirit wear will also be available for purchase.  Our teachers look forward to showcasing their classroom and sharing what your children are learning every day!  Please know this night is not intended to be a 1:1 conference about your child.  If you would like to meet with the teacher to discuss specific information, please reach out to them via email or REMIND to set up a separate appointment.  

Beginning of the Year Assessments

 Beginning of the Year screenings in reading and math have begun in all grades. These beginning of the year measures are to provide teachers with information in order to help differentiate classroom instruction, establish a starting point to measure progress for the year as well as inform online programming that students use to practice specific skills.  There is nothing you need to do as parents.  Please make sure you help your child by making sure they are getting a good night's rest and eating breakfast at home or at school.  If you have any questions, please reach out to your classroom teacher via email or REMIND.  

Important Dates:

Below are some reminders for important dates in September and October.  Please mark your calendars now.  You will receive more information for PTO and other events.


  • September 25 Early Release- 1:25 pm

  • September 26 Open School Night- 6:30-7:35 pm- Click Here for Flyer

  • September 27 All School Morning Meeting- 9 am in the gymnasium

  • October 3-4 No School- Rosh Hashanah

  • October 7 Photo Day

  • October 11 PTO Meeting- 6:30-7:30

  • October 14 No School- Columbus Day

  • October 18 Family Movie Night- 6-8 pm

  • October 26 Trunk or Treat- 11-1- Back lot

  • October 30 Early Release- 1:25 pm- PTO Movie Matinee

  • October 31 School Spirit Day- Black and Orange

We look forward to having everyone back this week, with big smiles!  Please also see the Superintendent’s communication at the Stamford Public Schools website linked here for more district-wide reminders and information.  

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Jaimie Fisco


KT Murphy Elementary School


Assistant Principal Jaimie Fisco
Lauren Santiago


Dear KT Murphy Community, September 13, 2024

Thank you for all of your support during the first few weeks of school.  This was our first full week and classroom routines and relationships are evident.  Beginning of the year assessments are beginning and we want to remind you that having a consistent bedtime and morning routine is very important so that students are ready for learning here at school.

Arrival and Dismissal Reminders

 We have had a successful start to the year with pick up and drop off, I just have a few reminders that will make it much quicker and less stressful for all.

Grades 1-5 Arrival Reminders- Please make sure to pull as far up as you can and all the way to the end of the red brick if you can.  Please remain in your car and have your child seated so they can exit on the passenger side (school side) and do not have to walk between cars.

Grades 1-5 Dismissal Reminders- All cars must stay in the line and wait their turn to pick up.  You must remain in your cars in the car line.  If you would like to get out of the car, please find a parking spot on the street, not on the school side.  You will be told to get back in your car if you park in the dismissal line.

Parents who walk or park, please leave the area under the maroon awning in front of the building open for teachers and students to come out and gather.  You cannot take your child without them first saying goodbye to the teacher.  It is very important for the safety of all and we need space to get organized.  

Kindergarten Arrival Reminders- Please make sure to pull as far up as you can and all the way to the end of the no parking sign.  Please remain in your car and have your child seated so they can exit on the passenger side (school side) and do not have to walk between cars.  After 9:00, students are considered late and there is noone to meet them at the Kindergarten entrance.  Please drop off on Horton St after 9.

Kindergarten Dismissal Reminders- All cars must stay in the line and wait their turn to pick up.  You must remain in your cars in the car line.  If you would like to get out of the car, please find a parking spot on the street, not on the school side.  You will be told to get back in your car if you park in the dismissal line.

2025-26 Magnet School Lottery Opens September 16- That’s Monday

 Ms. Beco is available to help with the completion of any lottery applications.  The 2025-26 Magnet School Lottery Application opens on Monday, September 16. We’ve streamlined the process this year so the application deadlines, lottery drawing dates, and acceptance deadlines are the same for all seven magnet schools. Click here for complete details.  

SPS Family Handbook 2024-2025 Linked HERE

Important Dates:

Below are some reminders for important dates in August and September.  Please mark your calendars now.  You will receive more information for PTO and other events.

  • September 20 CANCELED-Back to School Family Fun Night

  • September 25 Early Release- 1:25 pm

  • September 26 Open School Night- 6:30-7:35 pm- Click Here for Flyer

We look forward to having everyone back this week, with big smiles!  Please also see the Superintendent’s communication at the Stamford Public Schools website linked here for more district-wide reminders and information.  

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Jaimie Fisco


KT Murphy Elementary School


Assistant Principal Jaimie Fisco
Lauren Santiago


Dear KT Murphy Community, September 6, 2024

This week we increased from a 3 day week to a 4 day week.  I can really tell how all of the routines that are being taught and established are beginning to take hold.  Next week is a full 5 days and we are ready for it!  All teachers have started with small group rotations in the classroom during literacy time and instruction has started during all parts of the day.  We thank you for making sure your child gets to school on time, everyday, ready to learn!  Please remember to call the office if your child needs to be out of school.


The bus company is working out many scheduling and timing issues.  Please know that if a bus leaves after 4 I will send a message to parents letting them know the bus is late.  I will then send another message when the bus is leaving the school.  I will only send messages for late buses.  If you do not get a message, please assume the bus left somewhere between 3:30 and 4 from the school.  The FirstView bus app will hopefully be up and running soon.   

2025-26 Magnet School Lottery Opens September 16 

 The 2025-26 Magnet School Lottery Application opens on Monday, September 16. We’ve streamlined the process this year so the application deadlines, lottery drawing dates, and acceptance deadlines are the same for all seven magnet schools. Click here for complete details.  

Weekend Meals for Students

It is not too late to sign up for the Filling in the Blanks weekend meal program. Shelf stable weekend meal bags are delivered to all Stamford Public Schools on a weekly basis. If this program could help improve food security in your household, please register here

Story Time at the Farmers Market – Saturday at 10:15 am

 Join SPS at the Stamford Downtown Farmers Market on Saturday at 10:15 am for Children’s Story Time. Brooke Pelli, an assistant director of the APPLES PreK program, will be our guest reader. The Farmers Market is located in Veterans Memorial Park at 130 Atlantic Street. Following Story Time with Ms. Pelli, be sure to shop for fruits, vegetables, baked goods, cheeses, and more!  WIC & SNAP accepted. 

Cafe con la Super

Café con la Super - the monthly Spanish language Community Conversation - returns on Monday, September 9 at 6:30 pm at the Government Center. This month, we will review the SPS Family Guide and Community Health Services. Please register to let us know you will attend.

Scopes Meeting is September 11 

The Stamford Coalition of Parents Expecting Success (SCOPES) is hosting its first meeting of the school year on Wednesday, September 11 at 6 pm at AITE. SCOPES is a special education support network for parents sponsored by the Stamford Parent-Teacher Council in partnership with SPS. Attendees at the September meeting will have an opportunity to meet the SPS Special Education Team and learn about CT-SEDS. 

 Please click here to register for the September SCOPES meeting. This meeting will be presented with simultaneous Spanish translation. 

SPS Family Handbook 2024-2025 Linked HERE

Important Dates:

Below are some reminders for important dates in August and September.  Please mark your calendars now.  You will receive more information for PTO and other events.


  • September 20 Back to School Family Fun Night- 5:30-7:30 pm

  • September 25 Early Release- 1:25 pm

  • September 26 Open School Night- 6:30-7:35 pm- Click Here for Flyer

We look forward to having everyone back this week, with big smiles!  Please also see the Superintendent’s communication at the Stamford Public Schools website linked here for more district-wide reminders and information.  

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Jaimie Fisco


KT Murphy Elementary School


Assistant Principal Jaimie Fisco
Lauren Santiago


Dear KT Murphy Community, August 30, 2024

We are off to a great start!  During the first week of school students and staff have been learning and reviewing routines that are important for learning, playing, interacting and being a productive and positive member of the KT Murphy school community.  Please spend some time talking with your child about these routines at KT Murphy and in their classroom.  Please see below for some important information.


If your child takes a bus at KT Murphy, they should have received a bus tag on their backpack.  Please make sure this remains on their backpack and if they change backpacks that you take it off the old and reattach it to the new.  It includes their name, school, teacher and bus stop or after school program.

The SPS Transportation Department will be updating bus assignments and bus routes this weekend.  Please check PowerSchool on September 2 for any updates to your child’s bus number, bus stop location, or pickup time. This update will include bus assignments for eligible students who registered after August 14 as well as any approved modifications to existing bus assignments. If there is an issue with your child’s bus assignment, please complete this form and a member of the transportation team will get back to you.

2024-25 Magnet School Waitlists

If your child is on a magnet school waitlist for the current (2024-25) school year, those waitlists will remain active until December 1, 2024. If a spot opens up before December 1 for which your child qualifies, you will be contacted by a member of the central office staff. The individual schools do not manage the waitlist process.  

2025-26 Magnet School Lottery Opens September 16 

 The 2025-26 Magnet School Lottery Application opens on Monday, September 16. We’ve streamlined the process this year so the application deadlines, lottery drawing dates, and acceptance deadlines are the same for all seven magnet schools. Click here for complete details.  

 No School on Monday              

 All Stamford Public Schools are closed on Monday, September 2 in recognition of Labor Day. I hope you and your family enjoy the long weekend. 

Cafe con la Super

Café con la Super - the monthly Spanish language Community Conversation - returns on Monday, September 9 at 6:30 pm at the Government Center. This month, we will review the SPS Family Guide and Community Health Services. Please register to let us know you will attend.

Scopes Meeting is September 11 

The Stamford Coalition of Parents Expecting Success (SCOPES) is hosting its first meeting of the school year on Wednesday, September 11 at 6 pm at AITE. SCOPES is a special education support network for parents sponsored by the Stamford Parent-Teacher Council in partnership with SPS. Attendees at the September meeting will have an opportunity to meet the SPS Special Education Team and learn about CT-SEDS. 

 Please click here to register for the September SCOPES meeting. This meeting will be presented with simultaneous Spanish translation. 

SPS Family Handbook 2024-2025 Linked HERE

Important Dates:

Below are some reminders for important dates in August and September.  Please mark your calendars now.  You will receive more information for PTO and other events.

  • September 2 NO SCHOOL- Labor Day

  • September 20 Back to School Family Fun Night- 5:30-7:30 pm

  • September 25 Early Release- 1:25 pm

  • September 26 Open School Night- 6:30-7:35 pm

We look forward to having everyone back this week, with big smiles!  Please also see the Superintendent’s communication at the Stamford Public Schools website linked here for more district-wide reminders and information.  

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Jaimie Fisco


KT Murphy Elementary School


Assistant Principal Jaimie Fisco
Lauren Santiago


Dear KT Murphy Community, August 26, 2024

I hope you all had a wonderful summer!  We have been working hard at school to prepare for students to return this week!  We will have orientation for Kindergarten students as well as a meet and greet for students in grades 1-5 on Tuesday.  The first full day of school for all students is on Wednesday, August 28th.  Teachers have been working tirelessly to prepare welcoming classroom environments that are ready for a year full of student engagement, learning and fun.  I want to extend a sincere thank you to all of the custodians, office staff, teachers, paras, kitchen staff and families for working together to get the school building, classrooms and your children ready for a great start to the year!

Bus Assignments & Student Schedules Available in PowerSchool


Student bus assignments, teacher assignments, and student schedules are now posted in PowerSchool.  Bus routes are available to view on the website. If you completed school enrollment before August 14 and your child qualifies for bus transportation, your child should have a bus assignment in PowerSchool. If you do not have a bus assignment or if there is an issue with your bus assignment, please complete this form and someone from the transportation department will get back to you. 

Cell Phone Policy

In Stamford Public Schools, use of cell phones and other electronic devices is governed by BOE Policy 5131.81, which was adopted in August 2022. 

 When school opens, the following regulations will be in effect: 

Elementary School: The use of cell phones and other electronic devices is prohibited unless directed by the principal. If your child brings a cell phone, smart watch, or other electronic device to school, it must be silenced and stored in their backpack for the entire school day. Parents who need to reach their child during the school day should call the main office. 

BOE policy prohibits the use of cell phones or other electronic devices in certain situations and for specific purposes, including:  

  • In locker rooms, restrooms, or anywhere else a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy

  • To send harassing, threatening, or intimidating messages or images

  • To bully another person

  • To invade a person’s privacy

  • To take pictures of someone without their consent

  • To make video or audio recordings of anyone while on school property, school busses, or at school-sponsored events, without the principal’s permission

  • To cheat or otherwise violate academic integrity

  • In violation of copyright laws


Visiting Schools

With the school year about to begin, many of you will be stopping by our schools for meetings, events, and activities. We look forward to welcoming families into our schools and hope you will take advantage of every opportunity to get involved in your school community. For everyone’s safety and security, we ask that visitors always utilize the security buzzers at the main entrance for building access and that you check in at the security desk or main office to get a visitor’s badge. Please wear your visitors badge at all times when on school grounds. These measures are required to ensure a safe school environment for our staff, students, and visitors. 

Attendance/Arrival and DismissalPlease keep in mind our goal to have your child in school every day for the entire school day from 9:00-3:25.  Arrival begins at 8:45 and dismissal begins at 3:25.  If you need to pull your child early for an appointment, we are asking that you avoid taking them between 3:00 and 3:25.  This is a busy time in the office and classrooms as we prepare to dismiss the entire school for the day.  We appreciate your support with this.


SPS Family Handbook 2024-2025 Linked HERE

Important Dates:

Below are some reminders for important dates in August and September.  Please mark your calendars now.  You will receive more information for PTO and other events.

  • August 27 Kindergarten Orientation- 9:00-10:45 am

Grade 1-5 Meet & Greet- Pop in anytime between 9:30-10:30 am

  • August 28 First Day for All Students!

  • September 2 NO SCHOOL- Labor Day

  • September 20 Back to School Family Fun Night- 5:30-7:30 pm

  • September 25 Early Release- 1:25 pm

  • September 26 Open School Night- 6:30-7:35 pm

We look forward to having everyone back this week, with big smiles!  Please also see the Superintendent’s communication at the Stamford Public Schools website linked here for more district-wide reminders and information.  

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Jaimie Fisco


KT Murphy Elementary School